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Why Uplet

At Uplet we are committed to providing you with the most competitively priced and highest quality lettings services. We do the hard work in connecting people and properties, giving you a stress-free experience. And above all, we are consummately professional in everything we do.


Here are a few examples of how Uplet can help you:

Personalised Services

We provide services around yours needs and values saving you time, costs and energy. Furthermore, our services are backed up with a personalised customer care service for a problem free renting experience.

Uplet Tenant Care

Property management and maintenance; simple renting and property care around-the-clock for a stress free and an enjoyable letting experience.

Innovative Website & Targeted Marketing

Searching through the Uplet website provides all the information you need before property viewings starts. Each property is marketed through a wide range of relevant media including: Internet, local press, targeted flyers and key property titles.

Longer Opening Hours

Longer opening hours including evenings and weekends; our dedicated staff are available to serve more of the needs of our landlords and tenants, meaning we can conduct viewings and meetings after work at times more flexibly suited to modern lifestyles.

Expert Advice

Our agents have in-depth local property market knowledge so that our tenants can rest assured their property and area requirements are matched at first instance, minimising void periods and maximising investment returns.

Priced Competitively

We at Uplet are determined to pass on our costs savings to our landlords and tenants.

Strict codes of practice and professionalism

At Uplet we are determined to deliver professional accredited letting services. Our staff undergoes regular accredited training, delivering the highest level of customer service and satisfaction.